PRESSED is a one of a kind clothing brand, specializing in high quality game day fashion apparel and accessories. PRESSED is best known for its ability to place the creativity in the hands of the client, allowing you to curate and design pieces as special and one of a kind as you! Here at PRESSED opportunities are limitless allowing you a safe space for your creativity to flourish. We pride ourselves and have built our community with collaboration at the forefront while continuously adapting to the changing world of sports.
In 2021, PRESSED found its niche within the National Football League, providing wives, girlfriends and player's families a way to support their favorite guys in a unique, fresh, and one of kind way. The word quickly traveled through the National Hockey League, Major & Minor Baseball Leagues, National Basketball Association, and Collegiate sporting leagues. Our apparel has since been spotted in stadiums throughout the world including Korea, Canada, and London to name a few. We have had the opportunity to collaboratively style family members of the Super Bowl, Stanley Cup, and World Series Championships. This exposure has allowed us vastly expand our clientele and serve families celebrating various life occasions from weddings and baby announcements to business ventures and advertisement pieces.
Although the brand has evolved and expanded the vision has stayed the same. Here at PRESSED we are committed to bringing you the freshest apparel sure to turn heads at any event. Our designs are consistently curated with you in mind and specifically chosen to allow you the opportunity to represent the most important aspects of your life. Our customers are given the one of a kind experience to design their own pieces creating a world with limitless possibilities, and are confident when wearing and sharing our designs with the world.
Born and raised in south Florida, Sarita has been reworking and personalizing apparel for as long as she can remember. While studying at the University of Florida Sarita met her now husband, a college athlete at the University. Sarita enjoyed creating one a kind, statement pieces that allowed her to uniquely support her then boyfriend's journey and continued to do so as he made his way to the NFL. Sarita was given the opportunity to unknowingly showcase her creativity and one of a kind pieces to the other wives, girlfriends and families each game as she represented Jordan on and off the field. The word quickly traveled and Sarita decided to turn her passion into purpose and PRESSED was born. Sarita is amazed by the impact she has been able to have on her community through simply sharing her passion for allowing others to showcase their unique styles and hopes that her story inspires other aspiring entrepreneurs, athlete significant others and minority women to pursue their passions.